Ruby introspection 2
I wanted to start blogging on ruby reflection api, but i just realized that i have to give a second part of my previous article on ruby introspection .
So here we go:
s = ''
# s.is_a? String, this is the same!
String === s
# Determines whether the object has a public or protected method with the specified name.
s.respond_to? :slice #=>true
# Or
String.respond_to? :include #=> false
# Passes true as the second argument to check private methods as well.
String.respond_to? :include , true #=> true
# Check whether some module includes another
module M1 ; end
module M2 ; include M1 ; end
M2.include? M1 #=> true
# Check whether instance variable is defined or not.
d.instance_variables #=> ["@sg", "@of", "@ajd"]
d.instance_variable_defined? "@of" #=>true
# I have to clarify this, a note for the previous post:
# obj.public_methods(all=true) ,returns the list of public methods accessible to obj. If the all parameter is set to false, inherited methods will be excluded.
# obj.protected_methods(all=true),returns the list of protected methods accessible to obj. If the all parameter is set to false, inherited methods will be excluded.
# obj.private_methods(all=true),returns the list of private methods accessible to obj. If the all parameter is set to false, inherited methods will be excluded.
# Ex:
d.public_methods #=> [">>", "between?", "h!", "methods", "send", "ctime", "history_write", "year", "h", "taint", "to_enum", "instance_variable_defined?", "history", "ld", "_dump","q", "singleton_methods", "instance_eval", "os?", "wday", "enum_for", "nil?", "succ", "pretty_print_cycle", "asctime", "po", "protected_methods", "instance_exec", "start", "tainted?", "ns?", "handling_jruby_bug", "new_start", "yday", "untaint", "instance_of?", "equal?", "taguri", "pretty_print", "julian?", "step", "amjd","hash", "poc", "private_methods", "jd", "newsg", "taguri=", "history_to_vi", "pretty_print_instance_variables", "ajd", "italy", "kind_of?", "freeze", "eql?", "next", "to_yaml_style", "id", "sg", "public_methods", "hvi", "quiet", "england", "is_a?", "mday", "tap", "type", "ri", "to_yaml_properties", "+", "instance_variables", "__id__", "frozen?", "-", "julian", "pretty_inspect", "to_a", "cwyear", "respond_to?", "upto", "display", "history_do", "day", "method", "class", "verbose", "gregorian?", "downto", "mjd", "strftime", "<=>", "instance_variable_get", "==", "__send__", "leap?", "===", "gregorian", "pretty_print_inspect", "extend", "to_s","cweek", ">=", "v", "mon", "<=", "clone", "to_yaml", "=~", "instance_variable_set", "<", ">", "cwday", "inspect", "day_fraction", "month", "dup", "object_id", "<<"]
d.public_methods(false) #=> ["jd", "month", "_dump", "ctime", "ld", "cweek", "succ", "to_s", "step", "day", "gregorian?", "hash", "ajd", "julian", "+", "yday", "taguri", "os?", "strftime", "italy", "downto", "-", "eql?", "sg", "year", "asctime", "leap?", "taguri=", "inspect", "amjd", "cwday", "to_yaml", "mon", "<<", "gregorian", "newsg", ">>", "start", "cwyear", "day_fraction", "mday", "ns?", "mjd", "england", "upto", "wday", "<=>", "julian?", "new_start", "===", "next"]
#Check if a method is defined
String.method_defined? :slice! # => true
# Check if public method is defined?
String.public_method_defined? :upcase # => true
# Check if protected method is defined?
String.protected_method_defined? :downcase # => false
# Check if private method is defined?
String.private_method_defined? :initialize # => true
# Check local variables
# Check class variables
class One ; @@var1 = 1 ; end
class Two < One ; @@var2 = 2 ; end
One.class_variables #=> ["@@var1"]
Two.class_variables #=> ["@@var2", "@@var1"]
# Check constants
Math.constants #=> ["PI", "E"]
# Check global variables
global_variables #=> ["$fileutils_rb_have_lchmod", "$binding", "$-w", "$:", "$.", "$KCODE", "$-F", "$*", "$stderr", "$,", "$`", "$-p", "$\"", "$$", "$<", "$@", "$-v", "$-i", "$deferr", "$\", "$=", "$;", "$PROGRAM_NAME", "$stdout", "$&", "$fileutils_rb_have_lchown", "$-d", "$LOAD_PATH", "$-a", "$VERBOSE", "$FILENAME", "$defout", "$-0", "$+", "$0", "$stdin", "$~", "$DEBUG", "$-I", "$_", "$-K", "$>", "$/", "$'", "$-l", "$LOADED_FEATURES", "$?", "$SAFE", "$!"]
# How to get the name of the current method?
# Add this snippet of code to your logic somewhere
module Kernel
# Defined in ruby 1.9
unless defined?(__method__)
def __method__
caller[0] =~ /`([^']*)'/ and $1
Also i strongly recommend that you look at the ObjectSpace module which contains a number of routines that interact with the garbage collection facility and allow you to traverse all living objects with an iterator, however this is a little example taken from the official api documentation :
#ObjectSpace.each_object([module]) {|obj| ... } => fixnum
#Calls the block once for each living, nonimmediate object in this Ruby process. If module is specified, calls the block for only those classes or modules that match (or are a subclass of) module. Returns the number of objects found. Immediate objects (Fixnums, Symbols true, false, and nil) are never returned. In the example below, each_object returns both the numbers we defined and several constants defined in the Math module.
a = 102.7
b = 95 # Won't be returned
c = 12345678987654321
count = ObjectSpace.each_object(Numeric) {|x| p x }
puts "Total count: #{count}"
#Total count: 7
Also if you feel like you are eager to see low level introspection , then check this great post.
In my next article, am going to blog on ruby reflection api , hope to finish it soon ;)